Works of Sharon Kopriva
MAY 5 - JULY 31, 2015

Sharon Kopriva’s recent sculptures and paintings draw upon

the imagery of the Peruvian Hairless dog, an ancient breed

that was developed in Peru at least 4,000 years ago.

Revered by the Moca and the Inca, and believed to have

healing powers, Kopriva uses their sinewy figures as a

surrogate for the human form. In her paintings and prints,

she choreographs their figures into a fantastical dance,

swirling through vaulted cathedrals. Through Kopriva’s

passion for the Peruvian Hairless, which she has been

raising in recent years, and interest in religious architecture

from France, Venice, and most recently Intanbul, these works

intertwine Pagan and Christian visions of holy space while

bringing together her reexaminations of Roman Catholic faith

and her own spiritualism.

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