As a fine art print publisher, Flatbed Press welcomes many different artists into their collaborative printshop, artists whose individual studio practices encompass a myriad of artistic mediums. During this time in the studio editions are created under the artist’s direction while technically facilitated by Flatbed Master Printers. The publications resulting from this collaboration are as dynamic and individual as the artists themselves, whether created by layering brightly inked intaglio copper plates, delicately pigmenting fabric for monotyping or collaging hand dyed papers onto an oversized woodcut. Flatbed’s annual New Editions exhibition is an exciting way to celebrate its recent publications as well as the diversity of processes and techniques utilized.
New Editions 2018 features etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, monotypes and monoprints by eleven artists published over the last year. These artists include Richard Amendariz, Taiko Chandler, Michael Ray Charles, Suzi Davidoff, Annalise Gratovich, Tom Huck, Gareth Maguire, Winston Mascarenhas, Bob Schneider, Howard Sherman, Jill Wilkinson, Danny Williams, and Joan Winter.