Collection: Jeffrey Dell

"I moved to Texas nearly twenty years ago, and I feel very lucky to have landed here for a job teaching at Texas State University in San Marcos. I have wonderful students and colleagues. The art communities in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas are vibrant and diverse.

My work over the last few years engages themes of human desire and its effects on perception, impulse, appetite, and health. I am earnest about the playfulness in the work, and I rarely want it to mean only one thing. I believe in what I call “back-loaded content,” where meaning is revealed in the act of making. In this sense, I don’t always yet fully know what the work is about.

My ideas tend to come in the form of screenprints, which is mostly all I make. I like making things that don’t really look like prints, but which couldn’t be made any other way.

I have previously lived in Oregon, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Venice, Italy, and now in Texas. I regularly exhibit in Houston and around Texas. I’ve shown at the International Print Center New York, The Print Center in Philadelphia, and at various venues abroad.

I enjoy working with other universities and studios to give lectures, workshops, and exhibitions. Some of my previous visits have included the University of Minnesota, the University of Kansas, Kansas City Art Institute, SUNY New Paltz, and Honolulu Printmakers, among others." -Jeffery Dell